Outing to Lynn Park's Garage
Outing to Lynn Park's Garage
Outing to Lynn Park's Garage
Outing to Lynn Park's Garage
Outing to Lynn Park's Garage
Outing to Lynn Park's Garage
Outing to Lynn Park's Garage
Club Outing to Park Garage
About 20 club members and a few friends all convened at Lynn Park's private collection about 10am in LaCaƱada/Fleetridge, CA on Saturday. Mr. Park was full of exciting stories about each Cobra. With about 25 vehicles in his double garages, 20 were original or historical Cobras, estimated in the $15+ million dollar range. After our visit, 17 of us drove east on CA-2 through the Angeles National Forest, stopping for lunch at the very popular Newcomb Ranch Restaurant into Wrightwood before picking up I-215 for the ride home. What a memorable day.
You can find out more about Lynn Park and his collection in this article -> LynnPark_story.pdf