Lineing up
Looking Good
Our Club Site
Fully Blown Racers
The Smack Talk Begins Early
Awesome Dailys
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Mark's Motor
Ready To Rumble
Lookin' for a Few More HP
Waitin' To Run
Daily Drag
Cooling Off
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Pit Prep
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Flying Our Colors
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Grandstand Seating
Club Fun on the Strip
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
This is The One
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Rolling Back After the Run
Our Club Cars
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Our Club Buffet Table
Car Staging at Barona Drags
Bike Staging at Barona Drags
Too Loud !
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Strategy Meeting
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Adjusting Arm Safety Equipment
Guess Who Won
Saving Our Energy
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Odd Match-up
Drag Strip Day at Barona Drags
Our club visits the local 1/8th mile long drag strip every year where some come to race and others come for the spectacle. Our traditional all you can eat club lunch buffet of hambergers and hot dogs with all the side goodies is always served. The Barona Speedway is located in Lakeside, CA; northeast of San Diego. Barona Drag Strip or "Barona Drags" as they call it, takes you back to the days when hot rods ruled the streets of SoCal. It's laid back, family friendly and good fun. We see (and HEAR !!) all kinds cars and motorcycles as they run down the 1/8 mile strip - everything from mini dragsters, to fully blown customs, to factory and modified stock.